Friday, December 11, 2020

An Invitation

It seems like it was years ago, but it was only months.  I was still at Decatur First.  It had become clear that the youth choir would not be able to go on its annual music mission trip in June.  The choir, not one to be easily defeated, set about figuring out how to go on the trip virtually.  In the end I was surprised at how effective it was, both in terms of the mission aspect and in terms of  drawing the choir closer together.  These are, after all, the primary purposes of the trip.  When we set about creating a virtual trip, we started with a single question: what is essential?  I am convinced that answering that question thoroughly and honestly was the key to a successful experience, and it was a lesson I carried with me when I changed jobs.

In retrospect we had already been asking that question of just about everything we were offering in ministry, beginning with our worship services.  What is essential?  What are the sine qua non of worship or mission or,  And how can we overcome the obstacles of the pandemic to continue offering them?

As it became clear that the pandemic would not be over by Christmas, I set about answering the question again.  Of all the things we have been doing, all the concerts and services and decoration...what is essential?  What can we not do without?

I started just now writing a list of all the things we are losing this Christmas Season, but I deleted it.  It's a bummer that we've lost so much, but none of those things were really essential, I don't guess.  We'll be able to sing Once in Royal David's City next year, right?

But there is one thing I don't want to let go of.

For many years now, as the Christmas Eve services have come to an end, we have taken the light of Christ from the Christ candle and shared it.  I've watched it creep across the congregation, person after person sharing freely and without reservation.  After all, sharing the light with another person doesn't mean losing it yourself!  And then, as the lights in the sanctuary go completely out, I see so many faces illuminated by the warm glow of candles singing together.  Just for a moment, basking in the light of Christ, we come the closest we can on this earth to experiencing the peace we pray for.  Everything else melts away.

The pandemic is going to make this harder, but the pandemic will not take this away.

Tuesday night I recorded Jack and Randy playing Silent Night on their guitars.  Last night I recorded myself singing it by candlelight.  I'd like for you to join me.  Yes, you.  You reading this.  No, I don't care if you think you can't sing.  Everyone can sing Silent Night!  Here's what you do:

1. Go to
2. Go to the first youtube video on the page.  It's a guide video.
3. Set up one device to play back through headphones and set another to record (I playback on the computer and record with my cell phone).
4. Light a candle...or several...and grab your family.  Get everyone together and sing.  Let the person with the headphones lead!  And...if the headphones don't work out, that's ok.  Just sing with the video.
5. Go to and follow the directions there to upload your video.

Then, on Christmas Eve at the end of the traditional service, the familiar flame will flicker with the soft glow we have come to love.  We will sing together to celebrate what is essential: the light and love of Christ.

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