This morning began early. I had set my alarm for 6:55 because the boys wanted to be up at 7. Turns out that wasn't necessary. They were up by 6. I told them to stay in bed and quiet until 7. We got about half way there I think.
Naturally, the first activity was four square? There is a square under the pavilion outside of the dining hall, and they just started playing. Mr. John played too, and when he was in a square, he was definitely a target. It was a fun way to get going on a chilly morning while we waited for breakfast.
After breakfast, we got ourselves ready to go, and then we played a game. Youth choir singers will recognize the question game. It's zany and unpredictable. We played 3 rounds, and here are your 3 winners. Kids took 2 out of 3. Chaperones will have to prepare more for next time.
We headed out to our first concert. Today's concerts were both at places we sang just last year. Some of the kids remembered as we were pulling up, and they were excited. I'm excited too, because beginning to build longer-term relationships with some places has been a goal of mine.
As we have come to expect, the concert was fantastic. The kids really are singing well, and I'm proud of their sound. I am also continually proud of the way they engage the audience after we sing. I got a few pictures today. You can tell watching them that the seniors really enjoy the chats.
Another fun story from this concert. When we walked in, they were setting up for a 90th birthday celebration later on. When I got back on the bus, the kids practiced singing Happy Birthday, and just before our last song in the concert, we asked if Anne was in the room. She was not, as it turns out, but her daughter said, "Oh she isn't but just a minute I'll get her on video." So they got her on facetime, and we sang happy birthday to her on the phone! You'll never hear a sweeter rendition of the birthday song than I heard when our 16 kids sang to Anne.
I took this picture after the concert when we were headed back to the bus. Yes, this is our bus. You can be jealous now. It's only 8 months old!
We got onboard that beautiful bus and headed to lunch. We went to a place that had a number of fast food choices and sent our chaperones to various ones along with the kids who wanted to go there. A large-ish group went to Firehouse subs, where they were complimented by the manager for their good behavior!
One of the chaperones who went to Firehouse was Leanne. I do not say enough good things about Leanne. I can't say enough good things. She's a fantastic musician, an excellent chaperone, and an all-around wonderful person. Thank you, Leanne, for all you do to make music ministry at OG possible, and thank you especially for coming along this weekend!
The Rodehorsts went to Burger King, along with a couple of others. They crowned me in the parking lot. I guess King Charles doesn't need to worry about finding musical entertainment for his coronation after all...
We went to sing our second concert right after was about a half mile away. Last year when we sang at this place, we had to sing outside! Inside this time around. We did a little more from memory this time, which helps the kids look up and be engaged (though there were notable yawns following a big meal!). In this picture, the choir is hiding more of the audience behind them.
Next we headed to the Incline Railway. We only rode up (Mark drove the bus up the mountain and met us at the top). It was a lovely day for it! Good visibility, and not too hot.
And here's a picture of us in the upper station. All of us. We had a passerby take our picture so everyone could be in it. Which is cool. What is even MORE cool is that right after this picture was taken, we walked straight through the railway gift shop without anyone stopping to touch or smell anything or whine about wanting to buy things. Sure, that might be because I had already told them they could shop at Rock City, but still...historic.
Speaking of Rock City...epic win. So many good pictures, and I don't have time to post them all, but here are some of my favorite ones...
First, there's this house thing along the path. I'm sure it has a much more profound story than that, but that's what it looked like to me. I had all the kids get inside to take a picture, and then I went to close the door! Unfortunately (or fortunately), Rock City knows that people like me exist, and it is not possible to close the door. So the kids roamed free...or as freely as one can roam under the watchful eyes of 8 parent chaperones.
The shaky bridge...
Ok, shots fired, Rock City. Fat Man's Squeeze? What are you trying to say? And then one of the kids says, "Do you think Mr. John can make it?" Ouch.
But for the record, the answer is yes...I was the first through, which allowed me to take this picture of the rest of them coming through. is truly very tight. I did have to take my backpack off to get through.
Great pic of all the kids at 7 states plaza. They claim you can see 7 states from here! I don't know if we could or not, but I do know it was a beautiful day. Apologies if the kids have their eyes closed here. I can't see really well in the blog editor!
There's this ledge, see, and you can go out on it. These are the brave ones.
Several caves at Rock City have black lights in them. That made the white on our shirts really stand out. The picture doesn't do it justice.
The caption for this next picture is exactly what she said right before it was taken. "Mr. John I have a great story can I tell you?" The eyes show all the energy she had for the story.
Following Rock City, we dropped by Mr T's pizza to pick up some pizza and then headed to the park. This is the same park the youth choir went to last year and sang an impromptu concert. We did not sing a concert. We enjoyed our dinner and then ran around some. It's prom night, so there were lots of people in very fancy clothing around.
These guys are playing a game I don't fully understand, but it looks fun!
You might say we made our mark...
Do you know what 16 kids who have a limitless reserve of energy need on a evening like this one? That's right. Sugar. Lots of sugar. So we went for ice cream at Ben and Jerry's.
And you know what, even with the ice cream, I think our kids are mostly tired.
I don't know why kids buy the things they buy, but at Rock City several kids bought this candy:
Toxic Waste? Sounds delicious. I was dared to eat this, but I didn't. Not sure if I'm going to or not. I feel like it would give me some cred with the kids. Am I that easily manipulated? I don't think so, but now I'm not sure.
And that's the end of the day. Nights on children's choir trips are earlier than youth choir trips, but you do pay for it. It's full on from wake up to shut down.
Tomorrow is an early morning. Much to do! But that is another story for another time.