Saturday, June 3, 2023

Guest Post: Sir Trots-a-Lot

Hey horse lovers, 

I often get asked questions like: “What is it like being a legend?” or “How can a horse be so cool?”. I guess I could tell you about a day in the life of your average pony. 

I start my mornings by picking an outfit. People frequently ask how many different outfits I have. Well, I counted and I have 8. All of them get many compliments, but I do have 2 favorites.

This week has been loaded with memories. In total, we have had 8 concerts (not counting the mini-concert in the hotel lobby). Despite many horse voices, our concerts were fantastic. I have never seen a stable as pretty as St. Paul’s Ivy Church. At one of the concerts I even got to sit up on the music stand with THE John Cowden! He told me I could conduct with him but I got nervous and made a spur of the moment decision not to.

Our days on tour get very busy. I spend extra time getting ready in the morning because I am constantly being photographed… as a celebrity I am saddled with responsibility!

The time between the concerts consists of many photo sessions and a lot of horseback rides.

I also went on my first-ever date! 

This year I got to visit even more historical sites. I got flicked up with Abe and explored the Washington Monument. 

The best time is the when its time for nightly room checks. John comes, really, whinny wants to and tells us “It's pasture bedtime”.  It’s hard to say goodnight.

One of my all-time favorite memories of this tour was going to the Bulls Game. I took selfies with everyone, and best of all I got to take a picture with the real Wool E. Bull!

It was sad wishing the seniors off. Tears might have been shed while saying goodbye. I have shared many experiences with them, but I hope to see them next year on tour! Bye to the amazing seniors. We will miss you and we wish you the best!


Lee Rachel




So the answer is, I couldn’t do any of it without all of you guys! Keep on trotting through life. Until next year! 

Sir Trotsalot

For more pictures follow me @sir.trotsalot4 on Instagram 


  1. We <3 you Sir Trotsalot

  2. Brilliantly written! Missing the good Sir already

  3. Sir, you are the Triple Crown winner in my book. #SirTrots4Eva


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