Monday, April 29, 2024

Final Thoughts on the 2024 Children's Music Mission

I was hoping to finish up the blog last night, but by the time I finished my Sunday afternoon and evening rehearsals, I ran out of time. With apologies for the late entry, here is the final post of the 2024 Children's Music Mission!

Shockingly, the kids stayed in bed a little longer on Sunday. It's as if they were busy all day on Saturday or something?

We began our day as we did the day before, with breakfast at Camp Lookout. We said thank you to "Mama Snacks," who is the chef up there. If you're wondering why they are standing on one foot, it's because right before I took the picture, I said, "Everyone stand on one foot." If someone isn't, it's because Simon didn't say.

We piled on the bus and headed for First Centenary UMC. Jan, their director of music, is 100% my hero. Here's a picture of us in their choir loft.

This was my view from up there...

One of the parents got a picture of us from the back.

One of the coolest parts was singing with their children's choir. Jan played the shaker in the front, and I joined with one of their adults playing drums in the back. Collaborating was so much fun!

With General Conference ongoing, singing in another United Methodist Church felt somehow important, and the pastor mentioned it in his sermon as well. I feel very strongly that we are the church. It's not the building, it's not the conference or the denomination. It's hearts and hands working together to be Christ in the world. That's where my focus is. But our connection is important because of the way it multiplies our effort. My favorite of these is UMCOR, which allows 100% or funds donated to disaster relief to be spent on disaster relief. But there are many other missions we support by our connection.

Jan asked what time we rehearse (6 on Wednesdays). She said, "We rehearse at 6 on Wednesdays too! So any time you are singing, we are singing together!" What a delightful way to remember we are not alone.

First Centenary streams their services! If you want to see us sing, you can head over to: The whole service is worth a watch, but if you want to see us sing, look at 16:50, 24:40, 30:20, 34:00, and 40:00. All the kids sing together at 40:00, so if you're only going to watch one, make it that one!

Jan and her crew provided lunch for us at the church (yummy!), and we enjoyed eating with a number of her kids and their families.

We got on the road after lunch. You can probably guess the question everyone wanted answered as soon as we stepped on the bus...are we going to stop at Buc-ees. As you know, it isn't my favorite place. Especially on a Sunday. I waited until we got out of town to make the call. Against my better judgment...

Just a crowd. What could possibly go wrong?

Not a party *I* want to go to, Bucee.

Hm. I wonder if any of the kids are going to use their money on deer corn. It's on sale! Honestly it wouldn't be the most random thing they had bought on this trip.

Our itinerary showed a 3:30p arrival. We rolled in at 3:20, which gave us just enough time to take all the gear off the bus and clean the bus up. The kids checked out with me, and at 3:40 or so I headed inside to start my youth bell rehearsal at 3:45. And youth choir at 4:30. They are preparing for their own music mission, heading to Little Rock, Dallas, and Shreveport in early June. I will of course chronicle our adventures right here Under the Oak Tree (on the music blog).

Writing during the middle of the day is different from writing at night, as I did the last two posts! Saturday night I took a picture while I was working.

I guess that's it. Before we left Camp Lookout, we talked about the music mission and its purpose. We sing and visit with others to lift their spirits, and that's important. But we also build relationships with each other. The experiences we share on this trip and in rehearsal and singing in worship become shared history. Shared history becomes glue that holds us together. We are closer for our time together. So this has been time well spent. And while I am of course dragging a bit today, I wouldn't trade this weekend. I believe in it.

Thank you to the Music Makers, their parents (especially the ones who came on the trip), and all those who have supported Music in Mission at our fundraisers this year!

If you would like to support this trip or others like it, feel free to use this QR code or link to head to our donations page.

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